
APU Arrival Assistance: Fukuoka Airport to AP House! - ADMISSIONS BLOG | APU Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

立命館亞洲太平洋大學 國際學生招生


APU Arrival Assistance: Fukuoka Airport to AP House!

We get a lot of questions about APU’s arrival assistance, so we made a quick video to show you how the process goes. Keep in mind that this was filmed in September 2019, so there could be a few slight differences when you go through the process.

Some general reminders:

1. You must sign up for arrival assistance in advance. For the most recent information and sign up link for Arrival Assistance, please go to our Preparing to Travel to APU page and scroll down to number 4 for Arrival Assistance.

2. Arrival assistance is only available at Fukuoka Airport (International Terminal), the closest international airport to APU. If you arrive at another airport in Japan, such as Narita or Haneda, you will need to take a domestic flight to Fukuoka on your own.

3. If you are planning to exchange money in Fukuoka, please check the airport’s website ahead of time to see how long the exchange counters are open. (They may be closed by the time you arrive!)

4. If you are planning to arrive at an airport other than Fukuoka Airport, or already have arrangements to get to APU on your own, still fill out the Arrival Assistance survey to let us know you will not be using the service.

That’s it! Enjoy your trip to Japan!


為什麼我想念AP House(但喜歡住在市中心) 校園食品卡車:奶酪雞救援



Rasheeq Islam 是孟加拉國的 APM 畢業生。在 APU 任職期間,他是 APU 社交媒體部門的成員,也是該部落格的定期撰稿人。他喜歡在網上吃飯和玩FIFA。當他不吃飯的時候,他可能正在考慮下一個可能改變世界的想法。