PhD Asia Pacific Studies Faculty
- *1M: Master's Thesis Advising, D: Doctoral Dissertation Advising
- *2Please note: Seminar courses may not be offered every year.
【Current as of Oct 26, 2022】
- Graduate Advising *1
- M, D
- Degree
- PhD (Modern Economics), Kyoto University
MD, Tehran University of Medical Sciences - Research Fields
- Public Health and Epidemiology, Health Economics, Environmental Economics, Ethics and Philosophy, Bioethics
- Biography
- Professor Ghotbi received a Medical Doctorate from Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 1992 before enrolling at Kyoto University to complete a PhD in Modern Economics with a focus on health economics and environmental economics. He is a member of the Asian Bioethics Association, an editor for a peer-reviewed public health journal, and a reviewer for multiple peer-reviewed academic journals on bioethics and public health. He is currently engaged in research in public health, environmental ethics and economics, and ethics of artificial intelligence (AI).
- Research Activities
- Faculty Information
KIM Sangho
- Graduate Advising *1
- M, D
- Degree
- Ph.D. in Economics, Michigan State University
MA in Economics, Sogang University
BA in Economics, Sogang University
- Research Fields
- Theoretical Economics, Econometrics, Applied Economics, Economic Policy
- Biography
- He completed his Ph.D. in Economics from Michigan State University in 1990. His research interests are economic development, international trade, and productivity. His work has been published in Contemporary Economic Policy, Review of Development Economics, Asian Economic Journal, and many other PRJs. Research projects include those conducted with international organizations such as ADB, APEC, and MPC. Prior to his appointment at APU in 2012, he worked at Honam University in Korea. He currently sits on the editorial board of several academic journals in Korea, including International Economics Studies, Economics Studies, and Journal of Market Economy.
- Research Activities
- Faculty Information
- Graduate Advising *1
- M, D
- Degree
- Ph.D in Economics, The University of Sydney
MA in International Development Studies, The University of Bradford - Research Fields
- International Development Studies, International Political Economy, Economic Policy, Industrial Development, Rural and Community Development, Automotive Industry, Apparel Industry
- Biography
- He completed his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Sydney, Australia and a master’s degree in International Development Studies from the University of Bradford, UK. He was a vising scholar at Institute of East Asian Studies, Charles University in Prague in 2015-2016. His research interests are the political economy and economic development in Asia and Eastern Europe. His work has been published in Review of International Political Economy, European Journal of Development Research, Global Networks, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, and other PRJs. He serves on the senior associate editor for PSU Research Review (Emerald Publishing) and the editorial board for International Journal of Development Issues (Emerald Publishing). Prior to his appointment at APU, he worked for Ernst & Young as an International Consultant and for Hitachi Metals as a Production Controller.
- Research Activities
- Faculty Information
- Graduate Advising *1
- M, D
- Degree
- Ph.D. (School of Economics), University of Sydney
- Research Fields
- Applied Economics
- Biography
- He completed his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Sydney in 2011. His research interests are endogenous growth theory and empirical analysis of innovation and technology, with a special interest in analysing knowledge spillovers, utilising patent statistics. In recent years, he has been part of a project analysing the automotive industry in South East Asian economies. His work has been published in Applied Economics Letters, Singapore Economic Review, Asian Economic Journal, and other PRJs. Prior to his appointment at APU, he was a lecturer in the College of Economics at Ritsumeikan University.
- Research Activities
- Faculty Information
- Graduate Advising *1
- M,D
- Degree
- Ph.D. (Economics), University of Rochester
- Research Fields
- Economic Theory, Industrial Organization
- Biography
- Professor Shimomura received his Ph.D. in Economic Theory from the University of Rochester. His current specialized fields are Microeconomics, Experimental Economics, and Industrial Organization. Prior to his appointment at APU, he taught at Kobe University, Osaka University and Kyoto University. His research has been published in various journals.
- Research Activities
- Faculty Information
SUZUKI Yasushi
- Graduate Advising *1
- M, D
- Degree
- PhD in Economics, University of London
LLM in International Economic Law, Birkbeck, University of London
MSc (with Distinction) in Economics with reference to South Asia, SOAS, University of London
B.A. in Political Science, Waseda University - Research Fields
- Fiscal Studies/Finance Theory, Theoretical Economics, Institutional Economics, Political Economy
Doctoral supervision available only for students that have completed their master's thesis under the professor's supervision
- Biography
- He completed his Ph.D. in Economics from University of London, SOAS in 2009, LLM in International Economic Law from University of London, Birkbeck in 2011 and Msc (distinction) in Economics with reference to South Asia from University of London, SOAS in 1999, respectively. His research interests are the institutional political economy of financial development, comparative financial systems, and economic philosophy. His work has been published in Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, Journal of Comparative Asian Development and Journal of Global Ethics, International Journal of Islamic Finance and Business Management, and many other PRJs. He has been a co-editor of a special issue of the International Journal of Financial Service Management on the Future of Islamic Banking. Prior to his appointment at APU, he worked for the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan (LTCB) including assignments as Vice President for customer relations at LTCB Central Asia in Indonesia, Vice President for loan syndication at LTCB Singapore Branch, and Deputy General Manager for loan syndication at LTCB New York Branch.
- Research Activities
- Faculty Information
YAMAGATA Tatsufumi
- Graduate Advising *1
- M, D
- Degree
- Ph.D. in Economics, University of Rochester
- Research Fields
- Development Economics, Textile Industry, Bangladeshi Economy, Health and Development, Disability and Development
- Biography
- Professor Yamagata was a researcher of the Institute of Developing Economies, Japan, from 1988-2018 and was a visiting research fellow of the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies from 2000-2001. He has also been engaged in the evaluation of Japan's ODA on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan as a chief evaluator eight times since 2006. In addition, he was an Affiliate Member of the Science Council of Japan from 2008-2014. Now, while teaching Development Economics and Development Studies at APU, he is serving for the Japan Society for International Development as its president (-2020).
- Research Activities
- Faculty Information
Associate Professor
- Graduate Advising *1
- M, D
- Degree
- PhD (Economics), Kansas State University
- Research Fields
- Food and Agricultural Economics, Environmental Economics
- Biography
- Professor Yamaura is currently researching consumer behavior e.g., analyzing consumer preferences toward foods and country-of-origin after the Great East Japan Earthquake using surveys. He is also looking at food system analysis, e.g., estimating market power on food systems under various conditions, and socio-economic analysis, e.g., assessing the indirect socio-economic impacts of global warming.
- Research Activities
- Faculty Information