Study at the Most
International University in Japan
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) is located in Beppu, southern Japan. We offer classes in both English and Japanese on a campus where students come from over 100 countries and regions.
Choose from one of our programs – Asia Pacific Studies (APS), International Management (APM), or Sustainability and Tourism (ST). Study under the guidance of highly experienced faculty from over 25 countries and regions. Thanks to APU’s flexible curriculum, you can broaden your knowledge by taking courses from all colleges.
In your first and second years, you will study Language Education Subjects, Common Liberal Arts Subjects, and Introduction to Major Subjects to cultivate basic skills. In your third and fourth years, you can take seminar classes led by professors, Advanced Major Subjects, and Japanese Language Subjects aimed at working in Japan.

College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS)
▼ Areas of Study
- International Relations
- Global Economy
- Culture, Society, and Media

College of International Management (APM)
▼ Areas of Study
- Strategic Management and Leadership
- Marketing
- Accounting and Finance
- Entrepreneurship and Operations Management

College of Sustainability and Tourism (ST)
▼ Concentrations
- Environmental Studies
- Resource Management
- International Development
- Tourism Studies
- Tourism Industry Operations
- Hospitality Operation
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Regional Development
- Data Science & Information System
University-wide Education
Yes! Many of our English-basis international students have never visited Japan or studied Japanese before coming to APU. Almost all courses at APU are offered in both English and Japanese, meaning you only need proficiency in one of these languages at the time of enrollment.
When you come to APU, where students hail from over 100 countries and regions around the world, you will hear a variety of languages every day. All campus announcements, orientations, etc., are in both English and Japanese. Additionally, 98% of undergraduate courses are offered in both English and Japanese (100% of graduate courses are offered in English).
Please watch our "Academics at APU" playlist on YouTube!